Digital Workplace Summit 2017

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Digital Workplace Summit by Communardo in Cologne. The place-to be for every person or company, who is interested in optimising and digitalising their work(-flow). Great talks, people and a nice location made this summit a unique experience.

With our new booth, we could not have been overlooked. Throughout the day, we met great people who were interested in our add-ins and wanted to talk about them. Learning from our customers and growing with them, this is the way how our products are made. With our customers for our customers. Conversations like them during the summit play an important role.

We also got the opportunity to have a short talk about our new add-in “Office Calendars for Confluence”. Carina rocked it!

Thank you for having us and see you at the next summit![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]