Why do we focus on company values?

For nearly 10 years, yasoon has been making award-winning apps that connect Atlassian’s products to Microsoft 365.
We build digital products to improve our customer’s work environments and enable them to work smarter together. At the same time, we take a similar approach to shaping our own company culture. yasoon has been a tech-focused company with a strong belief in company values since day one. Let us tell you why.
Why do we focus on values at yasoon?
When yasoon was founded, we were a small team, living our core values with a passion. We were driven by in-depth knowledge and our strong passion for well written code. As our company has grown, we’ve evolved our guiding principles to help us function together as a team and work toward a common business goal.
Of course, there are many value models and categories (like the four value categories by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras as presented in the Harvard Business Review: Make Your Values Mean Something), but let’s not over-engineer a good and simple thought: We want to give our team basic guidelines to ensure that they know what they’re trying to accomplish and what they’re talking about.
Values help us stay focused and make decisions more easily. They guide our interactions and relationships with customers, employees, and our overall environment.
How do we weave values into everything?
At the moment, we live by 10 values. But if they aren’t properly applied, they have zero meaning. That’s why we integrate our values into every employee-related process: recruitment, performance measurement, promotion criteria, and even dismissal policies. When there are decisions to be made, we keep our values in mind: how we manage, how we create new products, how we build our new office space, how we design our brand, how we handle feedback (and many more…). Also, one important step to truly living values at yasoon is to communicate and debate them. We communicate them both internally and (as you can see) externally.
We incorporate company values into recruitment and onboarding
Of course, we want to hire people who vibe with us and our mindset. At the same time, our values are an important factor to improving our employee experience and attracting applicants who are drawn to our vision of what makes a company great.
We want to communicate what yasoon stands for and what drives us. We defined our recruitment and onboarding process based on our values, to give all new employees the best yasoon experience possible.
Follow along
In the upcoming months we want to shed light on all ten of our yasoon values.